Members of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal

Find out who the members of the Tribunal are.

Members of the Tribunal are required to have specialist skills in areas such as government, economics, industrial relations, law and public administration.

Chair: Warren McCann

Mr McCann has an extensive public service career, with senior appointments in Victoria, South Australia and at the Commonwealth, including as Chief Executive of the South Australian Department of Premier and Cabinet, and Commissioner for Public Sector Employment in South Australia.

Mr McCann is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Public Administration and has most recently served as a Special Advisor to the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Office of Public Sector Executive Remuneration.

Member: Laurinda Gardner

Ms Gardner is a board director, organisational reform and change management consultant and career coach. She has over 25 years senior executive experience and was formerly a Deputy Secretary with the Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance and a Director at the City of Melbourne. Ms Gardner has led large operational teams in diverse areas including strategic and business planning, HR, IT, communications, town planning, stakeholder engagement, finance and risk.

Ms Gardner has performed the role of trusted adviser to several Chief Executive Officers, was an Administrator at the City of Greater Geelong, is currently on the Board of VicTrack, and is a member of several remuneration, and audit and risk committees.

Member: Gregory Wilson

Bio to come.
