Graham Jolly

A submission to the Determination of allowances for Mayors, Deputy Mayors and Councillors

Victorian Remuneration Tribunal committee.

I make this submission to object to any increases in remunerations to all Councillors, Mayors and Chief Executive Officers in all 79 Local Governments of Victoria for a period of the next 4 years. 2022‐2026.

I give reasons why I object.

1. Victoria and it’s ratepayers are going through extended periods of financial hardship brought about by the COVID‐19 virus progressive outbreaks, especially this DELTA strain and the continued lock downs.

2. Live‐streaming of council meeting set down by the Victorian Government.

3. Continued poor outcome performances by councils which continues every year. Reference my councils third quarterly financial report and its Capital Works Projects results at the rear of the report. Note forecast Carryovers, Investment level and the Comprehensive Income Statement.‐minutes/attachments/H.07‐202021‐Major‐Initiatives‐Finance‐and‐Capital‐Works‐Third‐Quarter‐Report.pdf?mtime=20210514152327&focal=none

I request this Remuneration Tribunal to use as evidence a number of public reports spanning the last 4 years and points (a. to I.) I provide in this submission.

a. Local Governments Community Satisfaction survey results which clearly shows a disconnect councils have to its paying ratepayers.

b. Victorian Auditor Generals Annual reports for Local Government’s of which VAGO is restricted and limited in what can and cannot be reviewed and reported.‐2019‐20‐audits‐local‐government?section=33750‐‐appendix‐b‐acronyms‐and‐abbreviations&show‐sections=1#33750‐‐appendix‐b‐acronyms‐and‐abbreviations

c. The Victorian ‘Know Your Council’ local government review report which has failings as their is no details of financial Carryovers of Capital Works and the percentage numbers of Capital Works Projects as a measure of actual achievements.‐coast

d. The Local Government Act 2020 has no Section or subsection stating a requirement of a Chief Executive Performance Policy with sub sections for financials, financials of Capital Works and measures of project infrastructure outcomes.

Section 46 and Section 106 of the LGA 2020 is quite clear what the CEO of council must do but no performance measures or Key Performance Measures.

e. The LGA 2020 has no Section or subsection stating requirements of Councillors and Mayors Performance Policy as measures of Statutory requirements and budget achieved outcomes.

f. My council, the Bass Coast Shire Council (Councillors) voted and approved wage increases to the maximum allowed set down by the Victorian State Government on 17 February 2021 during a COVID-19 hardship period.
The review of Councillor Allowances 17/2/2021 was allowed under the Local Government Act 1989 Sections 73B and 74 to 74B and section 74(1). The Bass Coast Shire Councillors prior to voting received no public submissions. The approval outcome was for Councillors to receive a maximum of $26,245 with a 9.5% superannuation guarantee and the Mayor a maximum of $81,204 with a 9.5% superannuation guarantee.
Refer to H.12 page 180 of the Ordinary Council meeting 17 February 2021.

g. As part of the remuneration allowances for Councillors and Mayors of the Bass Coast Shire Council 9 councillors can claim at will with proof for Car Milage expenses, Conferences and Training expenses, Information and Communication expenses, Travel expenses and Vehicle expenses all through a period of the COVID-19 virus periods of lock down and while live-streaming Zoom meetings are allowed.

h. The Chief Executive Officer of the Bass Coast Shire Council remuneration is $327,000 per annum. However little is known about any allowances attached as the councillors declared the details confidential.

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I. Councils investments are high and financial Carryovers of Capital Works Projects are low. Both a measure of poor performance by my council the Bass Coast Shire Council and all 79 Councils in Victoria.

It is my intention that my submission must be strongly taken into consideration leading to a conclusion of NO increases in any remuneration should be allowed under your consideration.

Not even an inflation increase or any percentage increase of any limit.

Yours Sincerely
Graham Jolly

Graham Jolly
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