De-identified submission 1

Submission to the 2023 Local Government Annual Adjustment Determination.

I have been a Councillor at the [redacted] since [redacted]. I am also an elected Director of the [redacted]. I am making this submission in my personal capacity.

  • What adjustment to the values of allowances should the Tribunal consider, if any?

The Tribunal should consider that the workload of a Councillor is commonly understood to be at least 20 hours per week at a medium to large Council, and regularly up to 30 hours per week.

At my Council, a Category 3 Council where we are relatively well compensated compared to our smaller neighbours, this could equate to as little as $24.08 per hour. This is barely more than the national minimum wage of $21.38 per hour but without the benefits of leave loading, penalty rates, and other benefits of an employment relationship.

In order to attract quality candidates with the requisite skill and experience to appropriately discharge the duties of Councillors under the Act I believe it is necessary to consider substantial increases to Councillor allowances. However, Mayors and Deputy Mayors are currently appropriately remunerated.

  • Which economic and financial indicators should the Tribunal consider in adjusting the values of allowances?

The Tribunal should take into consideration the significant impact of inflation on the value of Councillor allowances. This has been significantly in excess of the value of the increase determined last year (2022).

  • Should the 2023 Annual Adjustment Determination take effect on 1 July 2023, of on some other date?

The Determination should take effect on 1 July 2023.
